Monday, August 25, 2008

3 Things

Ok, I have 3 things to blog about....First, I went to a baby shower on Saturday & it was very fun. We played new, different games than the usaul shower games & had cake, but we also had "birth" conversations! OMG!!!!!!!!! I have never been so terrified, (that is probably not true, I am easy to scare actually), but anyway I am terrified. I still don't know If I want to reproduce:), but these stories I heard make the choice easier. Hours of labor, puking, non working drugs, biting, kicking of husband in face (my favorite story) & morning sickness!! Uh uh, no thanks.

#2 I am having a tonsillectomy, again I am terrified as I have never had a real surgery. If anybody has had one please tell me about it even if it was horrible:)

#3 The weather this summer in Washington has sucked! Pardon my French. It is practically fall now, so I guess we can kiss any dream of a long warm summer goodbye:( But that is ok, it's still pretty here, even if it's cloudy.

1 comment:

care-in said...

Okay...the mystery is solved! I was racking my brain trying to figure out who you were and the connection with Page.

How fun to live in the NW...I am pressuring Xavier to visit Seattle. There is a pretty cool stamp store there!

I am still selling cards and other paper crafts. If you know of something in particular you want/need or saw on my blog (occasion, colors, etc.) just let me know.

xkbannis at verizon dot net