Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Random Ramblings about 2008

1-I hated English peas until I was 31 1/2 years old, and now I crave them...wierd
2-Doing home daycare in my house was a lot easier than I thought it would be
3-Taking a yoga class was way less scary than I imagined
4-We finally got a flat screen tv & a sleigh bed
5-I discovered that the best cut of steak (to me) is the fillet
6-Vegetarian "butter" is very yummy
7-I'm kinda over pizza for a while
8-Vigoss jeans fit me best
9-Montrail flip flops are great
10-If you find a comfy pair of pants buy several pairs
11-Ring worm IS contagious
12-Children need calm assertive energy:) Calm being the operative word.
14-It's ok to say no to your friends
15-I really want to give up diet coke
16-I will never have a butt, that is just the way it is:(

There you go, that's all I got right now!

1 comment:

care-in said...

A sleigh bed...dreamy!
Yuck to ringworm. I had it when I was pregnant with Elliya and she had it twice before she was 9 months old. I don't know how I got it but I'm convinced she got it from the dogs at the house where she went while I was at work. I saw the dogs lick her one time that's why I think that.