Monday, September 22, 2008

Cold Season

Man, I love my job, but honestly, I am tired of being sick! I shouldn't complain b/c I usually don't catch what my daycare babies have, but I caught a cold last week & it has been so hard to shake!!! On Thursday & Friday I literally felt like a giant balloon was blown up inside my head. Then on Saturday I couldn't get out of bed without my head spinning. I was miserable. Sunday I forced myself to work out & then I laid down. I did purchase a netti pot to poke up my nose & flush out the germs so hopefully it will work. I also had hot tea & honey, and lots of vitamin c, but I guess it just has to run it's course. I wish I wasn't such a baby about having a cold, but I just hate that "out of it" feeling! While I was in bed on Saturday I watched Mystery Diagnosis, which was fun b/c E usually will not let me watch such programming due to my vivid imagination. There were some strange issues discussed on that show & I think that after watching that I should just be thankful that I just have a cold & not leprosy or some such disorder right! On the up side I did get to read some while convalescing in my Virginia Woolf biography & my new book The Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor.

1 comment:

care-in said...

So sorry you've feeling yucky. Let me know how that netty pot works...need to try that for my allergies.