Sunday, September 28, 2008

three days to go:(

Well, only 3 more days until my tonsils come out!!! I am so SCARED! I've heard that it hurts really bad at my age:( Hopefully it will not be as bad as I am anticipating. I really hope that the pain pills work. The doctor said that the 3rd day is the worst, so maybe by Sunday I will be feeling better.

A small miracle happened today! We went hiking with the dogs at Howe Farm, and there is an off leash dog park there. In the year or so that we have had Sig, he has had major issues outside of the was so bad that in the past we have had to muzzle him & keep him away from all dogs & strangers. He would have a melt-down & start howling & shaking, he even escaped & attacked another dog once. BUT, today 2 dogs snuck up on us deep in the woods & we had no time to react...AMAZINGLY, Sig ran up to these 2 large dogs & wanted to play! I was floored. We were like ok, that was we decided to take a chance and go into the off leash area, & again he was surrounded by dogs, and he did great!!!!!!! WOW! I am so would have had to see how bad he was b/f to understand my surprise, but I feel like I had a bad "kid" and now he has been reformed, and I may not have to hide him anymore, hehe.

1 comment:

care-in said...

Maybe he outgrew his "issues"!!

Praying your surgery will be quick and with less pain than you are anticipating.